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Data explosion problem and solution

Problem: Too much data is being stored due to advanced technology, but we cannot find useful knowledge from it easily.

  • Data Warehousing: Collect and store large amounts of data in an organized and structured way to make it easier to access and analyze.
  • Data Mining: Use advanced techniques to discover meaningful patterns, rules, and insights from large datasets for decision-making and knowledge generation.

Are All the “Discovered” Patterns Interesting?

No, not all discovered patterns in data mining are interesting. Some are only interesting if they are easy to understand, reliable on new data, potentially useful, or support a hypothesis. It depends on how valuable they are to the user.

Can We Find All and Only Interesting Patterns?

No, a data mining system cannot always find all and only interesting patterns. While it aims to find as many interesting patterns as possible, achieving completeness can be challenging. User-provided constraints and measures help focus the search, but generating only interesting patterns efficiently remains a difficult task.